1. Make a Milk Carton Boat with Your Child.
This makes for a great parent child project.
Make more than one and have fun racing with them in the pool.
Get instructions here: http://www.ziggityzoom.com/activities.php?a=318
Notes from our experience - we made several of these over a period of weeks and after they were completed, everyone lined up with boats in hand for a race in the pool. I neglected to tell them that the boats needed to stay above the water while racing so needless to say it was more like a submarine race than a boat race.
2. Make an Ocean in a Bottle
This is fast and easy to do and almost hypmitizing to look at after it’s finished, esp. if you hold it up to the light. Find Instructions at: http://funschool.kaboose.com/fun-blaster/summer/crafts/ocean-bottle.html
Notes from our experience - we used smaller water bottles instead of the two litter ones; this worked out well since each child made his own (with a little help).
Instead of hot glue to seal the outside of the lid, we put duct tape around it for the extra security.
3. Make an Edible Aquarium, an Edible Beach or Combine the Two for a Yummy Treat.
You can make a tasty edible aquarium with these instructions.
To make an edible beach follow these directions.
Notes on our experience –We decided to combine the two ideas and created a beach scene together with the edible aquarium in one see through casserole dish.
After the Jell-o was set the boys took over and made a great beach scene that they would soon eat up while mumbling "yum" - a lot.
4. Sink or Float Science Fun.
We do this every summer and the children love predicting what will sink and what will float. Their predictions are rarely wrong and they really enjoy being right! http://lets-explore.net/blog/2009/05/experiment-sink-or-float/
5. Enjoy Watching and Learning about Fish Online (click below for photos, videos, jokes, and more).