Week 3s Five

1.  Ideas to Keep the Kids Busy while Traveling

Ideas to keep kids busy in the car, plane or other travel mode…
  • Throughout the year save  kids meal toys in a shoe box then let your children play with them while traveling.
  • Clip boards make great desks for travel.
  • When traveling in a car for long periods it is important for children to take breaks from the ride. A good friend sent this picture of her son enjoying just such a break from his car ride…

Links for Travel Activities:

2. Trail Mix Recipes
Trail mix makes a great snack food for traveling.
You can purchase them in any grocery store are use one the recipes below and prepare them with your children as a fun activity the day before the trip.

3. Places Kids Eat FREE!!!
Many restaurants have designated days and times of the week that children eat free or for .99 cents.  The following links should provide a way for you to access restaurant information about the particular city or town.  Always ask the restaurant about the free kids meals before you order to make sure the information on your list is accurate

Along the same lines, many fast food chains have a happy hour for drinks at half price like coffee, Tea, sodas, and etc. I was unable to find a list of them on line but in my area Dairy Queen, Sonic, McDonald’s, and Wendy’s have half price drink happy hours between 2:00 – 5:00 in the afternoon.  
Some of these places only have happy hour drinks on weekdays and some areas may not have the deals at all; so, always call ahead or ask before you order.

4. Beach Activities (links below):

*Beach Loot Craft:

Keep the memory of your beach vacation alive by making this fun keepsake craft when you return home. Have a great time making this with your children ,or enjoy making it yourself and sharing it with everyone later. 

Notes from my Experience: Remember to take along some Zip lock bags for collecting your beach loot.  Glass fish bowls can be bought at a garage sale, or a thrift store, for a lot less than they cost in a retail store but,  you may need to give it a good wash.  The one I used cost a dollar at a local thrift store.